MariaDB Aggregate Functions

This section introduces you to the most commonly used MariaDB aggregate functions including avg(), count(), max(), min(), and sum().

Aggregate functionDescription
avg()return the average of non-null numbers
bit_and()return bitwise AND
bit_or()return bitwise OR.
bit_xor()return bitwise XOR.
count()return the number of rows in a table
group_concat()return a concatenated string from a group with various options
max()return the maximum value in a set
min()return the minimum value in a set
stddev()return the population standard deviation.
stddev_pop()return the population standard deviation.
stddev_samp()return the sample standard deviation.
sum()return the sum of values
var_pop()return the population standard variance.
varp_sam()return the sample variance.
variance()return the population standard variance.